Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Gun Control Debate

Justin Paterson
29 April 2013
Professor Gillespie

I.               Introduction: Gun Control is not an effective means to secure safety for our people.
a.     A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.   This is our second Amendment in the United States Constitution. You have heard it all said before we have gun control and remove guns from our citizens that we would live in a safer America. Not only is that wrong, but the opposite would happen.
b.     Preview: what happened to other countries that instituted gun control, what happens when law-abiding citizens are armed when tragedy strikes, the irony of how most tragedies strike in gun free zones, and there is a false sense of security in an emergency response call.
c.      Rebuttal: to come
II.             What happened to other countries that instituted gun control?
a.     After the first five years of the gun ban in Australia, Australian Bureau    of Criminology acknowledged there is no correlation between gun control and the use of firearms in violent crime.
b.     After the first five years assault rose 49.2% and robbery rose 6.2%. Sexual assault which, is Australia’s equivalent to our rape, rose by 29.9%. Overall Australia’s violent crime rate rose by 42.2%
c.      The latest violent crime rates in the UK show that since gun control has been enacted there has been a rise of 89% in gun related crimes.
III.           What happens when law-abiding citizens are armed when tragedy strikes?
a.     In the recent shooting at the Clackamas town center in Oregon, there is a surprising bit of detail that most of you may not know. After the first shots were fired and people were running for their lives one man took cover behind a planter drew his handgun (which he was certified to carry) and pointed it at the gunman. This intimidated the gunman backing him it to a stairwell where he took his own life.
b.     If one case isn’t enough then here are 4 more cases. In 1997 at a high school in Pearl Mississippi 16 year-old gunman Luke Woodham was stopped and confronted by Assistant principal Joel Myrick, in 1996 at a dance hall in Edinboro Pennsylvania, 14 year-old Andrew Wurst was stooped by the dance hall owner James Strand. In 2008 at a bar full of 300 people Ernesto Villagomez was only able to kill 2 and wound 2 others before he was shot and killed by an armed patron who was armed and had a concealed carry permit. And last but not least in 2007 at a church in Colorado Springs, Colorado, gunman Matthew Murray killed four people before Jeanne Assam (former police officer) shot and killed the gunman.
IV.            Conclusion: so look at the facts having gun control will not create a safer America
a.     I have given you the facts on what has happened in two other countries that instituted a gun control ban and 5 different cases where armed citizens have stopped a gunman before a mass shooting occurred.


-National Center For Policy Analysis, Australia: more violent crimes despite gun ban <http://www.ncpa.org/sub/dpd/?Article_ID=17847
-Townhall.com, Gun crimes soars in England where guns are banned <http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2012/12/11/gun-crime-soars-in-england-where-guns-are-banned-n1464528
-Women’s self-defense institute, Average-police-response-time to a 911 call? <http://www.self-defense-mind-body-spirit.com/average-police-response-time.html
-Michigan Coalition For Reasonable Gun Owners, 911 is a joke or is it? Lets find out. <http://www.mcrgo.org/mcrgo/view/news.asp?articleid=228&zoneid=100
- The Blaze, lets set the record strait: 5 common misconceptions about guns & mass shootings <http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/01/14/lets-set-the-record-straight-5-common-misconceptions-about-guns-mass-shootings/

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